Friday, November 25, 2011


If you have not seen some of the horrific animal slaughtering done daily by the food industry it's easily traced on the internet. Cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and others by the billion every day force grown, force fed, force impregnated and then murdered and butchered and put in little plastic containers on your supermarket shelves as food.
Imagine a life like this 

Most people have never seen a real life farm animal, let alone seen one slaughtered. To many meat is just stuff in packages or something that someone else has cooked for you - probably in a frozen or takeaway meal. Few question its beginnings.

When people do see the real thing - the animal full of fear, the fight for life, the screaming, the blood, the killing -  they are shocked, often profoundly. Many weep. Many can't watch it.  Many say:"Oh it's so sad."
...or living like this

But being sad is not enough to stop the biggest killing machine this world has ever seen, namely the food industry. It spends billions of dollars constantly brainwashing people to eat meat, to eat eggs, to eat cheese and to drink milk. It tell consumers nothing about how the food is produced only that it is good for you ( a blatant lie that should be legally challenged) and how tasty it is. Clever colourful packaging hides the fact that you are buying dead flesh, dead body parts to eat.  The advertising and PR razmataz hides the killing fields and the torture that our fellow animals endure every day like -

* being beaten to death
* being hung upside down and having your throat cut while still alive
* spending your life in pens that are smaller than  you
* having your beak burnt off
* having your newborn taken away from you and killed at birth
* being tortured in grotesque ways by depraved farmhands and abbatoir works

Being sad enough is not enough to stop this. Action that can be taken includes petitioning, protest letters and emails. This helps as does lobbying to governments for better animal rights and welfare laws. But the one single action that anybody and everybody can take that would be most effective is to stop eating meat, eggs, cheese and milk. The mighty and vast power of the food industry that is mostly based on these things could not exist without consumers support.
Beautiful creatures like these Brahmans could have happy lives if we changed our ways

Such a move would represent a revolution in world opinion about killing fellow animals and eating their flesh. On moral grounds, for health reasons and to massively reduce world pollution the move would be more than justified. Future generations might not then be regarded as flesh eating savages but as one with their planet and the creatures on it. Humans would at last show love and understanding for all living creatures which in turn would make humans better creatures themselves.

So next time you see the dead body parts in the plastic packets at the shops think about how they got there and what they once were - a living animal with feelings - just like you.