Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus on Getting Fit

People trying to lose weight should primarily concentrate on getting fit and this means exercise of some kind.  It's not just a matter of sensible eating habits.

When you step on your weighing scales they don't really show if you are fit or fat. They just tell you your weight.  Sometimes we tend to overlook other body factors.

For example, more important than total body weight is the composition of your body tissue. If a man’s fatty tissue is bigger than 14% of his body mass, or if a woman’s is more than 20%, they are overweight.

Excess fat is not just cumbesome and unattractive. It leads to nasty ailments such as diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and gall bladder problems.

In losing weight it is best to think the caloric balance equals your total calorie intake, minus the total calorie expenditure.

Some calories are used for metabolism. As people get older, their bodies require fewer calories for this. Some calories are excreted as waste products. Some go into the energy required for physical activity.

So if people take in more calories than are used by these functions, there is a definite calorie excess.  Each excess of 3,500 calories is changed into a pound of fat. If people want to reverse this process, they have to burn up 3,500 calories to lose a single pound.

Exercise Important
Fighting fat with exercise is important and it works but it's important to get exercise that interests you.

Other than attending gym, good activities include swimming, running, cycling and walking. They can be performed solo but having a partner or partners is good for breaking any monotony and setting challenges. 

It’s a good idea at the beginning to measure your efforts to see how you improve over time.

Exercise is not just for burning calories and weight loss. It builds up the strength and endurance of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It has also a tranquilising affect on the nerves.

There are various types of exercise and it's a good idea to take professional advice before you begin, especially if you are older.

Experts can advise on exercises for endurance, for strengthening muscles and to improve your joint mobility and posture. There are even stretch exercises to relieve aches and pains.

Pair some form of regular exercise with sensible eating and you'll not only lose weight. You will also be physically fit.

To get good and helpful advice on weight loss please click HERE. I have vetted lots of weight loss web sites on the internet but this is the only one I recommend and which impressed me. Good luck!